A busy lifestyle doesn't mean you can't have beautiful grounds. Sunshine Landscapes can create a low-maintenance or zero-maintenance garden to give you a beautiful yard that requires little or no care.
Some plants you can expect in this kind of a carefree garden include sedum, coreopsis, Black-eyed Susan, Stella D'Oro daylilies, aster, blanket flower (gaillardia), switchgrass, feather reed grass, American cranberry, fothergilla, butterfly bush, northern bayberry, pachysandra, creeping phlox, dogwood, gingko, Eastern red cedar, crabapple, pin oak, and more.
Sunshine Landscapes can set up a garden for you in any style you like, including the following (click any garden type for more information). Let us come to your home and show us how personalized garden design can improve your yard.
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