A garden of native plants is a garden that can't fail. Native plants are already predisposed to growing well in our climate and soil conditions, so in most cases these plants are going to succeed, thrive, and surpass your expectations. Many of these beauties can be seen growing everywhere you look!
Some of our favorite plants to install in a native ecosystem include wild columbine, jack-in-the-pulpit, New England aster, sunflowers, partridge berry, bee balm, phlox, Jacob's ladder, Solomon's seal, yarrow, blue vervain, common blue violet, maidenhair fern, Christmas fern, bottlebrush grass, little bluestem, redbud, flowering dogwood, wild plum, black willow, elderberry, viburnum, red maple, sugar maple, birch, beech, ash, tulip poplar, Eastern white pine, oak, sycamore, sassafras, hemlock, buckeye, and more.
Sunshine Landscapes can set up a garden for you in any style you like, including the following (click any garden type for more information). Let us come to your home and show us how personalized garden design can improve your yard.
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