Water is a great way to bring interest to your yard. Sunshine Landscapes can create a beautiful water garden (sometimes called an aquascape or a waterscape) to fit your space and lifestyle a water feature you can enjoy for years. Our professionals are trained to understand how the plants in a water garden form a complete ecology within the pond, and will set up your pond so that it is beautiful and healthy, and the highlight of your yard.
Plants you might find in your aquascape / water garden include waterlilies, certain water-dwelling ferns and mosses, frog big, water lettuce, arrowhead, corkscrew rush, cattail, water willow, water pennywort, zebra rush, and more. See our Water Features page for more information.
Sunshine Landscapes can set up a garden for you in any style you like, including the following (click any garden type for more information). Let us come to your home and show us how personalized garden design can improve your yard.
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